Friday, September 15, 2006
A Reality Show They Oughta Do Is ...
This season, the TV networks have backed off bigtime from reality TV, opting for Lost-like serials of mystery and intrigue. (I'm already hooked on Fox's Vanished and I can't believe I'm still watching Prison Break.) But was the problem with reality TV oversaturation? Or a lack of imagination? Here's some shows I'd watch.
Beer Factor. Every stunt involves beer. Sky diving into beer. Swimming in beer. Running with trays and trying not to spill beer. Beer distance spitting. And so on. You Catch It, You Keep It. Show starts off with cash tossed out of the air onto a street. The three who catch the $100 bills get to be contestants. Stunts include all sorts of catching. Catch a dog with a diamond ring on its collar. Catch a bank robber with bags of money in your police car. Catch a whizzing arrow with a $1,000 check curled around it. Political-Peril Jeopardy! Amend the Constitution to force anybody running for office to appear on a special edition of Jeopardy! that tests their wits and knowledge. Look like those dopes on the Saturday Night Live sendups, and ... well, in this country, you'll probably get elected! Survivor International. Why stop at racially divided tribes? How about nation vs. nation competition? Brits vs. Aussies vs. Yanks vs. Canadians, if you want to keep it in native English. But so many people speak English elsewhere these days, go ahead and pick any three countries to take on a U.S. team. Now you Phinish the Phrase: A Reality Show They Oughta Do Is ...