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The Philadelphia Inquirer's experimental online "morning show", which began in Sept. 2005, went on hiatus in the summer of 2006, after a gradual shift to putting more of its content directly on

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Peter Mucha, husband and father of two, grew up in Cherry Hill and is a lifelong Philly sports fan. He's been writing and editing for The Inquirer for 18 years. His motto (at least for today): "If I'm not brief, give me grief."

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Friday, September 15, 2006

And the Winning Ryan Howard Nickname Is ... 

Broad Street Bomber. It handily won all three polls it was in, including the final faceoff with Howitzer, a strong No. 2. Whether either sticks only time, fans, teammates and media members will tell. You'll find all the results in various polls below.

Would also like to single out 10 favorites as far as creativity is concerned. OK, maybe they're not as snappy or nickname-worthy as the winner, but some would make great headlines.

Whambino. The Ryan King. Baby Phat. Howabunga. For Ryan Out Loud. Lethal Weapon 6. Deep 6. Howardzer. Ry Slamma Bama. And Cloutta Here. Several of these were suggested by a Daily News colleague, Drew McQuade. (PS. I still think my Babe Truth would make a good headline, too.)

A Reality Show They Oughta Do Is ... 

This season, the TV networks have backed off bigtime from reality TV, opting for Lost-like serials of mystery and intrigue. (I'm already hooked on Fox's Vanished and I can't believe I'm still watching Prison Break.) But was the problem with reality TV oversaturation? Or a lack of imagination? Here's some shows I'd watch.

Beer Factor. Every stunt involves beer. Sky diving into beer. Swimming in beer. Running with trays and trying not to spill beer. Beer distance spitting. And so on.
You Catch It, You Keep It. Show starts off with cash tossed out of the air onto a street. The three who catch the $100 bills get to be contestants. Stunts include all sorts of catching. Catch a dog with a diamond ring on its collar. Catch a bank robber with bags of money in your police car. Catch a whizzing arrow with a $1,000 check curled around it.
Political-Peril Jeopardy! Amend the Constitution to force anybody running for office to appear on a special edition of Jeopardy! that tests their wits and knowledge. Look like those dopes on the Saturday Night Live sendups, and ... well, in this country, you'll probably get elected!
Survivor International. Why stop at racially divided tribes? How about nation vs. nation competition? Brits vs. Aussies vs. Yanks vs. Canadians, if you want to keep it in native English. But so many people speak English elsewhere these days, go ahead and pick any three countries to take on a U.S. team.

Now you Phinish the Phrase:
A Reality Show They Oughta Do Is ...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Let Top 2 Nicknames Go Head to Head 

In sports, winners are decided in head to head competition. So before we declare Broad Street Bomber the champ in the Ryan Howard nickname search, let's see how it does face to face with its primary competitor, Howitzer.

Which of these Final 2 nicknames do you like best?
Broad Street Bomber
Free polls from

As we conclude this exercise, have to say I enjoyed seeing how many creative ideas people came up with. My own favorites lost, however. Whambino. Thought that was a winner. Here's one last nickname poll, so you can share your thoughts.
Just for the record, I'd like to say ...
I'm happy with either one of these
They're just OK.
Liked the polls, but not wild about these Final 2.
How come people didn't like the clever ones with puns?
Don't really care. Go Eagles!
Using polls to pick nicknames is garbage.
A poll about polls? Sheeesh. Move on.
Free polls from

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ryan Howard Nickname Showdown Poll 

Well, the results are in of six Ryan Howard nickname polls, which generated more than 100 suggestions from creative fans. The most popular choices, mostly according to percentage of votes, but in a couple of cases by total number of votes, made the final cut. Let's pick a winner:
What's the best nickname for Ryan Howard?
Big Smooth
Broad Street Bomber
The Ryan King
Big Easy
Deep 6
Mr. Clean
Free polls from

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

For Ryan Out Loud, Baby Phat & Lethal Weapon 6 Are Good, Too 

The final Ryan Howard nickname poll was supposed to be today. But you guys kept posting suggestions too good to ignore. Here's your chance to endorse a come-from-behind candidate, and boost it into the finals -- tomorrow, I promise! -- with a chance to win.

But even non-winners might be a little glory, because I'll email a list of lots of favorites to sportswriters and headline writers, who are always looking for another catchy phrase.

Which of these Ryan Howard nicknames belongs in the finals?
Free polls from


Yikes, which of these is most final-poll worthy?
Free polls from

How About Some Eagles Nicknames? 

How far can this nickname train go? Just got this post: "I think the Eagles Offense should have a nickname. Maybe "WMD" (Westbrook, McNabb, Donte). Whatta think?"

Hmmm. I thought the D-Line and McNabb were the ones in need of nicknames. But WMD for "weapons of mass destruction" is pretty good (though perhaps a mite premature). Post your Eagles suggestions, and after the Ryan Howard smoke clears, expect to find some Eagles nickname polls here. Westbrook could use a nickname, too.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Inspired new nickname for Ryan Howard? 

Suddenly it came to me, while thinking about Ryan Howard nicknames. If he passes Roger Maris' 61 home runs, many fans will feel he's the true home run king, because they suspect all the other record-breakers to have cheating by using performance-enhancing drugs. Well, if he's the real deal, how about this moniker for the relatively young, kinda baby-faced bopper:

Babe Truth
Free polls from
What do you think of Babe Truth as a nickname for Ryan Howard?
Best nickname yet!
Not my favorite, but worthy of putting in tomorrow's final poll.
Sorry, doesn't do much for me.

Also, let's pick between two popular but similar choices to put into the finale.
Free polls from
Which of these 2 Ryan Howard nickname ideas do you like best?
The Howitzer
The Howardzer
You can still vote in the two previous polls below and view those results. Right now it looks like finalists are Howitzer/Howardzer, H-Bomb, Big Smooth, The Ryan King and Rhyno.

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• Let Top 2 Nicknames Go Head to Head

• Ryan Howard Nickname Showdown Poll

• For Ryan Out Loud, Baby Phat & Lethal Weapon 6 Are...

• How About Some Eagles Nicknames?

• Inspired new nickname for Ryan Howard?

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