Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Jarred by Jetta Ads
See those new Jetta commercials? Friends just driving along, WHOOMP! Mangled metal. Airbag deployment. Gnarled wreckage. Yeah, car commercials should have impact. But not this much.
Reminds me of flashbacks I had back in my hippie days. Was hitchhiking across the country. Got picked up by two young women in a van. Somewhere near St. Louis, a car in the right lane suddenly did a left in front of us! We smashed the driver's door, and next thing I know, I'm floating in mid-air, the van revolving around me, like some slo-mo movie scene, then WHOOMP! the van lands on its roof. I forget whether the door popped open, or one of the women opened it, but I saw two furry streaks depart the van heading across the interstate for distant woods. The girls' dog and cat. Amazingly, no one died, not even the driver whose door we hit. Of the girls, only the driver had even a scratch. Can't remember much else, except for a trooper asking with a drawl, "Girls pick you up hitchhiking a lot?" I hitched on to L.A., where the next day, while watching Psycho, I relived the crash, as screechy music accompanied the knife stabs of the shower scene. (No, I wasn't using drugs.) (For more tales of near-death experiences, see "I Got Robber While a Camden Cabbie" and "How I Almost Died as a Teenage Driver.") So I really don't need TV ads to remind me of sudden impacts. And how could I ever buy a Jetta, now that "Jetta" and "crash" are permanently fused in my brain? My take: Another ad so clever it'll hurt sales. Then again, (a) the ad did succeed in turning me into a publicity pawn, and (b) some folks who commented at yayhooray.com think the ads are cool. Check out one ad below. More are on the yayhooray post. Your take?